Spending 5 years on a process or outcome isn’t a guarantee of success
This is nonsense.
Plenty of people who’ve worked 5 years or far more on their craft don’t become gawping influencers with unicorn riches.
Teachers who spend their careers for life never make a Top 100 list, even when they’re making videos for YouTube.
Firefighters don’t suddenly become the Greatest of All Time even though most of them have been saving lives for decades.
You don’t have to aim for millions of views, royalties and therefore the ability to buy more material things to be successful in your life.
This is exactly the kind of content making Medium a toxic place for the mental health of ordinary folks.
What poison…
If you’re reading this, *please* don’t compare your life or your efforts to influencers and forget your own acheievemnts in the process. One way ticket to nowheresville.
Be you, do the work — do your work and make it meaningful for you.
That’s all you have to do.