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We need VR for job interviews now, not later.
VR is a clear lockdown and post-lockdown interview solution — how can workplaces start to adopt it more quickly?
It seems odd that VR hasn’t seen a stronger enterprise take up — with consumer audiences very much leading the way during the tail end of the Covid crisis.
But first, let’s talk about Workrooms by Facebook.
Horizon -Workrooms by Facebook (for Oculus) came close, but it also came out to a frightening low level of applause, and an absolute roasting by that don of marketing, Mark Ritson.
Although, when you’re Facebook, you are 100% allowed to arrive on the market with a prototype-y thing with what essentially looks like some cute Miis sitting around the desk (which are massively appealing, to be fair):
Yes, I can see the appeal for the gamers and the techies, but I can’t see the appeal for the BAU enterprise folks.
However, what Facebook Research and Facebook — crucially — has achieved, is…